Enrollment Profile

An Enrollment Profile is a predefined set of actions with special rules determining the academic year and the date for the actions which are applied to students and inquiries. By encapsulating all actions necessary for enrollment into an Enrollment Profile, the enrollment procedure is simplified and available for automated enrollment scenarios such as (Re) Enrollment Contracts and summer camp. In particular, an Enrollment Profile may contain several actions which set the desired status and substatus for the inquiry and the student records for the current and next academic year.

There are several ways of configuring enrollment profiles and student actions.
    - Configuring Enrollment Profile (School-centric)

    - Configuring Enrollment Profile (Division-centric)

    - Configuring Enrollment Profile (Hybrid)
PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.

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