A course refers to a particular subject taught in the school.  A course is used to group course sections, which contain students, teachers, and class schedule.

A Course can be accessed through Admin/Scheduling > Courses screen.  To access the page, you need any of the following roles: Scheduling Full, Scheduling Read, Registrar Full, or Registrar Read.

Short Name is an abbreviated name of the course and it shows up in various places in the system such as in CMS schedules/calendars.

When using the master schedule builder, sorting by Scheduling Priority will force the algorithm to schedule in iterations starting with the courses with the highest priority (low number). Note: If you set scheduling priority for one course, you must set it for all courses.

Min Birthdate, Max Birthdate, Min Grade Lvl, and Max Grade Lvl determine who can sign up for a course online. If these fields are left blank, then the grade/birthdate requirements are waived.

Transcript Course Name provides an alternative name for a course on the transcript.

Grade Scale Max determines the maximum number of points a student can get in a course.  Example: If Grade Scale Max is set to 100, a course will not support a grade above 100 points.

Report Card Type designates which report card is supported for the course.  PCR Educator has several report card templates.  Therefore, schools can decide which template to use for their courses.

Parent Teacher Conf makes the course eligible for Parent Teacher Conferences sign-ups through the CMS Portal.

Product is specified in the case of any paid course for which a user may sign up.  Finance Full/Read role is required to access this field.

Schedule Demo

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    Your First Name *
    Your Email *
    Your Phone # *
    PCR Educator School Information System is an online database engineered for schools and universities to deliver the highest level of flexibility, unique experience, transparent communication and customized design.