To connect students to households use the connecting table Relations - Student / Inquiry / Teacher.  Note:  This table is also used to connect Inquiries to Households and Teachers to Households.  Note: The DAT - Basic Student Data Structure shows how the tables mentioned in this article are combined.  Avoid DAT Query And DAT Filter Common Mistakes when including to these tables.

Field Description
Bill To Yes No This indicates if the connected household is the Billing household for the record. “Y” indicates that the household is the Billing household. “N” indicates the household is not a Billing household. Note: A record can only have one Billing household.
Primary Indicator This indicates if the household is the Primary household for the record. “P” indicates that the associated household is the primary household. “N” indicates that the household is a Non-primary household. Note: A record can only have one Primary household.
Relationship This differentiates households as either Parent, Grandparent, or Self. Note: For a relationship of Parent, refer to the Parent1 Type and Parent2 Type for the nature of the relationship. Note: Self is used to indicate a domestic household for an international student. Note: Teacher records always have the relationship of Parent for their household.

Example:  You want to get a list of all students and their grandparents.
  1. Start by Creating New DAT Query
  2. Select Student Info for the DAT Query - Step 1 - Choosing Initial Table
  3. Link Student Info to Relations - Student / Inquiry / Household by DAT Query - Step 1 - Connecting Tables
    • Since we want Grandparents, DAT Query - Step 1 - Adding Condition for Relationship of Grandparent.
  4. Link Relations - Student / Inquiry / Household to Households.

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